Board of Directors
An organization is only as good as its leadership and our organization is no exception. The Board of Directors are elected to not only represent their area but also the overall mission of the American Shetland Pony Club, Inc., and its entire membership. The President and 1st Vice-President and 2nd Vice President are officers elected by the Board of Directors to oversee aspects of the organization as described in the Rulebook. These three, along with additional appointments made by the President, form the executive committee. The National Home Office, located in Illinois, includes the Director of Operations and office staff - it is considered the international headquarters of the organization.
Being an international organization, the geographic regions of the American Shetland Pony Club, Inc., are divided into 8 areas. Each area elects two members (a Shetland seat and an Open seat) to represent them on the Board of Directors. Specific qualifications, election process, terms, and other information can be found in the Bylaws of the ASPC Rulebook.
Meet the 16 Area Directors that make up the Board of Directors below!
Area I
Lower Eastern Ontario, Quebec, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia

Area III
Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

Area V
Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Area VII
Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada

Julie Mabie
Shetland Seat
(Expires 2025)
(831) 684-1555

Area II
Central Ontario, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio

Area IV
Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin

Area VI
Manitoba, Northern & Western Ontario, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming

Andrea Barth
Executive Board
Shetland Seat
(Expires 2025)
(319) 429-6443
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Alaska