Membership Forms

You'll find the most common forms regarding membership to the American Shetland Pony Club Inc. to the right. With your membership, you enjoy the benefits and services to all the registries we represent!
Individual/Family Membership
An individual membership is renewed annually and includes a subscription to the ASPC/AMHR bi-monthly publication, The Journal. Secondary memberships can be added as well as youth membership.
Is your Club a Member?
By becoming a recognized club of the ASPC Inc., you'll receive additional exposure by being published in The Journal in the Club Listing as well as possible updates within the Area News section. You'll also have the opportunity to say a bit more about your club in your online listing information.
Stud Book Online
The Stud Book Online is a valuable tool that provides detailed current and historical registry information on the ponies and horses within our registries. With your annual fee, you will receive an exclusive, individual log-in and password to access this information.
Registration Forms
Registering your Shetland pony, miniature horse and show pony is the most effective way to preserve and document the bloodlines, be eligible for the show ring and to protect your small equine.
Among the main forms listed on the right, you can find all the rest you may need.
Whether you are registering ASPC, AMHR, ASPR or transfering ownership, please be thorough when completing the paperwork and call should you have any questions, we are happy to help.